After the Masjid Committee and local Muslims recognised the lack of local Islamic tuition in the area, KTBAM first opened its doors in 1998 to cater for the growing Muslim community in North West London. After many years of struggle, by the grace of Allah, we finally established a weekend madrasa in 2013. The madrasa has allowed students to understand their religion and implement it into their daily lives and by extension the wider society. Currently, over 130 students study at the madrasa every Saturday and Sunday.
Learning Objectives
Al Qura'n, Al Hadith, Tajweed, Fiqh, Adab, Tareekh, Dua, Arabic language, Mother language.
Learning Objectives
Al Qura'n, Al Hadith, Tajweed, Fiqh, Adab, Tareekh, Dua, Arabic language, Mother language.
Learning Objectives
Aqeedah (Islamic creed), Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Arabic Language (Speaking & Writing) ...
Learning Objectives
Al Qura'n, Al Hadith, Tajweed, Fiqh, Adab, Tareekh, Dua, Arabic language, Mother language.